Question & Answer

    Question & Answer:

    1) What is the last date for registration for the competition?

    February 28th, 2024.

    2) Can the list of people participating in person change for the competition?

    Yes, but please provide as accurate a list as early as possible.

    3) I have a question about providing a certificate of insurance. Is it insurance for each student or for the parts?

    It is insurance for each IGVC 2024 university.

    4) Is RTK allowed for GPS positioning?

    Yes, but no base station at the IGVC event area.

    5) Where do I turn in the signed waivers for my team?

    You can send them electronically to or give them to the IGVC 2024 registration booth when you arrive at IGVC 2024.

    6) Is the competition open to the public? Are there any spectator registration requirements, etc?

    IGVC 2024 is open to the public, no spectator registration requirements.

    7) Could you please provide us with a copy of the official rules and guidelines set forth by the IGVC organizers?

    Please see